SAB 128
Описание компрессора SAB 128
Компрессор SAB 128 Mk3 - это винтовой компрессор с регулируемой производительностью и системой впрыскивания масла.
Два ротора имеют соответственно 4 зуба (ведущий ротор) и 6 зубьев (ведомый ротор) асимметричного профиля в соответствии с лицензией SRM. На стороне всасывания роторы оснащены роликовыми подшипниками, в то время как подшипники на стороне нагнетания представляют собой комбинированный набор подшипников, состоящий из роликовых подшипников, которые принимают на себя радиальные нагрузки, и шарикоподшипников, воспринимающих осевые нагрузки. Осевые нагрузки частично воспринимаются вращающимися уравновешивающими поршнями, установленными на роторах. Роторы могут поставляться изготовленными из закаленной или незакаленной стали. Если компрессор оснащен ротором из закаленной стали, то электродвигатель может подсоединяться к ведомому или ведущему ротору. Неиспользуемая шейка вала закрыта крышкой
На шейке вала, к которой подсоединяется электродвигатель, установлено сальниковое уплотнение типа скользящего кольца, которое создает эффективное уплотнение между внутренней полостью компрессора и атмосферой.
В компрессоре имеется большой встроенный всасывающий фильтр, который предотвращает попадание в компрессор загрязнений, поступающих вместе со всасываемым паром из холодильной установки.
Кроме того, компрессор оснащен обратным клапаном, который не допускает обратного вращения роторов в случае отключения подачи напряжения на электродвигатель. Обратный клапан управляется внутренним давлением всасывания компрессора, при этом он открыт во время работы компрессора, не вызывая чрезмерного падения давления всасываемого пара.
Компрессорный агрегат SAB 128 Mk3 имеет компактную конструкцию со встроенным масляным фильтром и электрическим реле расхода, что сокращает количество соединительных труб.
Производительность компрессора может регулироваться бесступенчато от 10% до 100% с помощью регулирующего золотника, расположенного под роторами. Система золотника приводится в движение поршнем, на который оказывает воздействие давление пара на стороне нагнетания компрессора и давление масла, регулируемое соленоидным клапаном. Обычно управление соленоидным клапаном осуществляет микроэлектронная система управления "Сабро" UNISAB II.
Винтовой компрессор SAB 128 Mk3 имеет также другую систему регулирования, посредством которой можно регулировать встроенное объемное отношение компрессора Vi. Эта система всегда обеспечивает самый высокий кпд компрессора даже при колеблющемся рабочем давлении холодильной установки.
Регулирование Vi, наиболее эффективно, когда компрессор работает на 100% производительности, и действует как механический останов для упомянутого выше золотника производительности. При этом золотник производительности регулирует величину окна, через которое выходит нагнетаемый пар, так что степень сжатия в компрессоре соответствует отношению давлений стороны нагнетания и стороны всасывания в холодильной установке.
При пониженной производительности компрессора система регулирования Vi имеет всего лишь незначительное действие.
Встроенное объемное отношение Vi регулируется вручную путем вращения ходового винта, расположенного подшейками валов роторов, в соответствии с графиками.
Список запасных частей для SAB 128
Relevant drawing 0661-874 | |||
Unless otherwise stated all measurements are given in mm. | |||
Pos. | Designation | No | Part no. |
Complete compressor for male drive | 4161-074 | ||
Complete compressor for female drive | 4161-073 | ||
Compressor housing | |||
10 | Rotor housing | 1 | 3011-021 |
Bearing cover at suction end | |||
20 | Bearing cover | 1 | 3013-143 |
21 | O-ring dia 304.39 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-112 |
22 | Cylindrical pin dia 12 x 40 | 2 | 1445-084 |
23 | Socket cap screw M12 x 35 | 16 | 1413-387 |
24 | Threaded plug with collar 1/2" | 1 | 1343-027 |
25 | Gasket dia 27/21 x 1,5 | 1 | 2356-133 |
Bearing cover at discharge end | |||
40 | Cover | 1 | 3013-052 |
43 | Cylinder screw M10 x 35 | 6 | 1413-373 |
44 | Adjusting screw | 2 | 2111-122 |
45 | Locking screw M6x 10 | 4 | 1413-231 |
Capacity regulating cylinder | |||
50 | Cylinder | 1 | 3043-010 |
51 | O-ring dia 82.14x3.53 | 1 | 1331-077 |
52 | Cylinder screw M10 x 35 | 3 | 1413-373 |
Cover for capacity regulating cylinder | |||
60 | Cover | 1 | 3013-193 |
61 | O-ring dia 88.49 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-079 |
62 | Cylinder screw M8 x 25 | 4 | 1413-357 |
Housing for capacity indicator | |||
70 | Housing | 1 | 3045-002 |
71 | Cylinder screw M6 x 30 | 4 | 1413-343 |
72 | Cover for capacity indicator | 1 | 3045-003 |
73 | Cylinder screw M6 x 50 | 4 | 1413-347 |
74 | O-ring dia 98.02 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-081 |
75.1 | Glass for indicator | 1 | 3045-006 |
Shaft seal cover | |||
80 | Shaft seat cover | 1 | 3013-051 |
81 | O-ring dia 85.32 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-078 |
82 | Cylinder screw M10 x 35 | 4 | 1413-373 |
83 | Driving pin dia 4 x 8 | 1 | 1446-011 |
86 | Hose connection 1/4" | 1 | 1343-025 |
87 | Plastic hose 3/16" | 1 | 1241-190 |
88 | Plug 1/4" | 1 | 1345-025 |
89 | Gasket dia. 19/14 x 1.5 | 1 | 2356-124 |
Cap cover | |||
90 | Cap cover | 1 | 3013-050 |
91 | O-ring dia 85.32 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-078 |
92 | Cylinder screw M10 x 35 | 4 | 1413-373 |
Cover for slide stop | |||
100 | Cover | 1 | 3013-057 |
101 | O-ring dia 66.27 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-072 |
102 | Cylinder screw M10 x 35 | 3 | 1413-373 |
103 | Retainer for spindle bearings | 1 | 3044-013 |
104 | Cylinder screw M6 x 20 | 4 | 1413-341 |
105 | Locking plate | 1 | 2114-043 |
Rotors and suction end bearings | |||
110 | Set of rotors for SAB 128H, female drive | 1(F) | 3024-018 |
110 | Set of rotors for SAB 128 H, male drive | 1(M) | 3024-109 |
111 | Roller bearing | 2 | 1513-016 |
112 | Retainer pin for male rotor | 1 | 3021-012 |
113 | Oil splash ring | 1 | 1437-217 |
114 | Thrust washer | 2 | 3021-035 |
115 | Cylinder screw M12 x 35 | 2 | 1413-387 |
118 | Driving pin dia 4 x 8 | 1 | 1446-019 |
119 | Retainer pin for female rotor | 1 | 3021-017 |
120 | Balance piston, suction end | 1 | 3025-007 |
Discharge end bearings, female rotor | |||
130 | Balance piston dia. 64 | 1 | 3025-016 |
131 | Radial roller bearing dia. 40/90 x 33 | 1 | 1513-016 |
132 | Four point bearing dia. 40/90 x 23 | 1 | 1513-027 |
133 | Set of shims dia- 70/90 for adjusting the | 1 | 2124-080 |
clearance between the rotor and outlet port | |||
comprising: 1 off thickness 0.49mm | |||
1 - 0.52mm | |||
1 - 0.55 mm | |||
1 - 0.58 mm | |||
1 - 0.61 mm | |||
1 - 0.64mm | |||
1 - 0.67mm | |||
Discharge end bearings, male rotor | |||
135 | Balance piston dia 64 | 1 | 3025-016 |
136 | Radial roller bearing dia 45/100 x 36 | 1 | 1513-012 |
137 | Four point bearing dia 45/100 x 25 | 1 | 1513-028 |
138 | Set of shims dia 80/100 for adjusting the | 1 | 2124-081 |
clearance between the rotor and outlet port | |||
comprising: 1off thickness 0.49mm | |||
1 - 0.52mm | |||
1 - 0.55 mm | |||
1 - 0.58 mm | |||
1 - 0.61 mm | |||
1 - 0.64mm | |||
1 - 0.67mm | |||
Discharge ports | |||
140 | Discharge port for male rotor | 1 | 3031-037 |
141 | Discharge port for female rotor | 1 | 3031-038 |
142 | Socket cap screw M8 x 120 | 6 | 1413-314 |
143 | Sealing ring dia 13/8 | 6 | 3049-006 |
144 | Set screw M 10x20 | 2 | 1413-252 |
145 | Set screw M1 Ox 10 | 2 | 1413-253 |
146 | Blank off screw | 2 | 1343-027 |
147 | Locking screw M 10 x 10 | 2 | 1413-253 |
148 | Adjusting screw M10 x 20 | 2 | 1413-032 |
149 | Gasket | 2 | 1331-427 |
Parts for adjusting rotors | |||
151 | Thrust cover for male rotor | 1 | 3013-053 |
152 | O-ring dia 91.67 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-080 |
153 | Thrust cover for female rotor | 1 | 3013-054 |
154 | O-ring dia 82.14 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-077 |
Shaft seal | |||
160 | Shaft seal type 680. | 1 | 1332-161 |
Suction filter | |||
170 | Suction filter | 1 | 3042-081 |
171 | Set screw M6 x 10 | 3 | 1413-231 |
Adjusting system for Vi-slide | |||
180 | Spindle | 1 | 3044-012 |
182 | Spacer ring | 1 | 3044-014 |
183 | Sealing ring dia 28/22 | 1 | 1331-503 |
184 | O-ring dia 44.04 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-065 |
186 | Spindle bearing | 2 | 1512-015 |
Slide stop | |||
190 | Slide stop (included in pos. 192) | ||
Man. Vi-slide | |||
191 | Spring | 1 | 1523-014 |
192 | Slide control (including slide stop, pos. 190) | 1 | 3044-071 |
193 | Socket cap screw M10 x 25 | 1 | 1413-371 |
Capacity regulating slide | |||
200 | Slide | 1 | 3043-175 |
201 | Inner piston part | 1 | 3043-075 |
202 | Outer piston part | 1 | 3043-076 |
203 | O-ring dia 53.57 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-068 |
204 | Sealing ring dia 90/80 | 1 | 1332-118 |
205 | Cylindrical pin dia 6 x 12 (incl. in pos no 207) | (1) | 1445-075 |
206 | Cylinder screw M6 x 25 | 4 | 1413-342 |
207 | Piston rod | 1 | 3043-112 |
208 | Tape bearing | 2 | 2132-105 |
209 | O-ring dia 9,12 x 3,53 | 1 | 1331-215 |
Spindle for capacity indication | |||
210.1 | Spindle | 1 | 3045-057 |
216 | Magnetic coupling | 1 | 3045-061 |
217 | O-ring dia. 44,12 x 2,62 (incl. in pos. 216) | (1) | 1331-146 |
218 | Hexagon head screw M4 x 16 (incl. in pos. 216) | (1) | 1413-320 |
219 | Hexagon head screw M4 x 20 (incl. in pos. 216) | (2) | 1413-322 |
Capacity indication | |||
221 | Indicator dial | 1 | 3045-001 |
223 | Cylinder screw M4 x 10 | 1 | 1413-319 |
224 | Supporting ring | 1 | 2356-155 |
226 | Locking washer DC 15/8,4 | 1 | 1437-054 |
227 | Locking washer DC 8/4.3 | 1 | 1437-060 |
Suction gas inlet | |||
252 | O-ring dia 190.09 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-105 |
253 | Inlet flange | 1 | 3013-130 |
254 | Cylinder screw M16 x 45 | 8 | 1413-433 |
257 | Plug 1/4" | 1 | 1343-025 |
258 | Gasket ring dia. 21/14 x 2,0 | 1 | 1331-428 |
259 | O-ring dia. 20,22 x 3,53 | 1 | 1331-019 |
Non-return (check) valve | |||
260 | Valve cone | 1 | 3042-107 |
261 | Spring | 1 | 1523-033 |
262 | Cylinder screw M10 x 25 | 1 | 1413-371 |
263 | Adaptor | 1 | 3042-079 |
264 | Tape bearing dim 10x1 x 136 | 2 | 2132-099 |
265 | Locking device for non-retun valve | 1 | 3042-108 |
266 | Pointed screw M6 x 6 | 1 | 1413-229 |
Suction side connection | |||
279 | Flange | 1 | 3013-130 |
280 | Cylinder screw M16 x 45 | 8 | 1413-433 |
281 | O-ring dia 190.09 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-105 |
Economizer inlet | |||
290 | Flange with plug | 1 | 3013-135 |
291 | Cylinder screw M10 x 30 | 2 | 1413-372 |
292 | O-ring dia 29.74 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-025 |
HLI Inlet | |||
300 | Flange with plug | 2 | 3013-136 |
301 | Cylinder screw M10 x 30 | 4 | 1413-372 |
302 | O-ring dia 20.22 x 3.53 | 2 | 1331-019 |
Connecting parts for slide rod | |||
310 | Washer for slide rod | 1 | 3043-108 |
311 | Cylinder screw M10 x 55 | 1 | 1413-377 |
External oil piping | |||
320-1 | Pipe set complete, female drive | 1 | 3049-021 |
320-2 | Pipe set complete, male drive | 1 | 3049-031 |
325-1 | Orifice dia. 5,0 for oil injection pipe - R717 | 1 | 3142-052 |
325-2 | Orifice dia. 3,2 for oil injection pipe - R22 and HFC's | 1 | 3142-054 |
331 | Plug 1/2" | 1 | 1343-027 |
332 | Gasket ring dia. 28,5/21.6 x 2,3 | 1 | 1331-430 |
333 | Plug 1/4" | 1 | 1343-025 |
334 | Gasket ring dia. 24/14 x 2,0 | 1 | 1331-428 |
335 | Plug 1/4" | 1 | 1343-025 |
336 | Gasket ring dia. 21/14x2,0 | 1 | 1331-428 |
337 | Plug 3/4" | 1 | 1343-028 |
338 | Gasket dia. 34,93/27.13 x 2,34 | 1 | 1331-433 |
Electrical signal transmitter for | |||
capacity slide position (optional) | |||
350 | Turning transmitter | 1 | 3448-004 |
351.1 | Sight-glass for transmitter | 1 | 3045-007 |
352 | Screw for transmitter | 4 | 1412-012 |
M3 x 8(included in pos. 350) | |||
Limitation of minimum capacity (optional) | |||
228 | Spacer ring for SAB 128H | 1 | 3045-028 |
229 | O-ring dia. 82.14x3.53 | 1 | 1331-077 |
210.2 | Spindle | ||
replaces pos. 210.1 | 1 | 3045-063 | |
Limitation of minimum capacity (optional) | |||
75.2 | Glass for indicator, SAB 128/163 | ||
replaces pos. 75.1 | 1 | 3045-036 | |
351.2 | Glass for indicator for turning transmitter, SAB 128/163 replaces pos. 351.1 | 1 | 3045-037 |
Oil filter parts | |||
450 | Cover | 1 | 3041-008 |
452 | O-ring dia 132,94 x 3,53 | 1 | 1331-093 |
453 | O-ring dia 101,19 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-083 |
455 | Locking nut M10 | 1 | 1433-080 |
456 | Cylinder screw | 4 | 1413-387 |
458 | Stay bolt | 1 | 2111-129 |
459 | Magnet | 4 | 1517-022 |
460 | Intermediate ring | 4 | 3424-039 |
461 | Elastomer ring | 2 | 1334-012 |
470 | Filter element | 1 | 1517-121 |
471 | Plug 1/4" | 1 | 1343-025 |
472 | Gasket ring dia. 21/14 x 2,0 | 1 | 1331-428 |
473 | O-ring dia. 20,22 x 3,53 | 1 | 1331-019 |
480 | Filter housing | 1 | 3042-084 |
481 | O-ring dia 183,74 x 3,53 | 1 | 1331-104 |
482 | Cylinder screw M8 x 25 | 4 | 1413-357 |
483 | Pointed screw M6 x 8 | 3 | 1413-230 |
Flow switch arrangement | |||
500 | Terminal box | 1 | 1554.001 |
505 | Nippel | 1 | 2314-106 |
506 | Dowty ring 34,9/27,1 x 2,3 | 1 | 1331-433 |
507 | Flow switch with ball | 1 | 1553-024 |
508 | Washer | 1 | 2114-046 |
509 | Gasket ring 19/14 x 1,5 | 1 | 2356-124 |
510 | Spring | 1 | 2144-041 |
511 | Circlip (part of pos. 507) | 1 | |
Compressor relief valve system | |||
700-1 | Back pressure independent safety valve, | 1 | 2416-202 |
BSV8, 18 bar | |||
700-2 | Back pressure independent safety valve, | 1 | 2416-203 |
BSV8, 20 bar | |||
700-3 | Back pressure independent safety valve, | 1 | 2416-204 |
BSV8. 21 bar | |||
700-4 | Back pressure independent safety valve, | 1 | 2416-224 |
BSV8, 22 bar | |||
700-5 | Back pressure independent safety valve, | 1 | 2416-205 |
BSV8, 25 bar | |||
701 | Connection line, POV 40, dia. 12 | 1 | 3014-013 |
702 | Cylinder screw M12 x 35 | 4 | 1413-387 |
703 | O-ring dia. 82,14x3,53 | 1 | 1331-077 |
704 | Main valve POV 40 including connection pipe | 1 | 3014-011 |
715 | Cover | 1 | 3013-180 |
716 | Cylinder screw M14 x 90 | 4 | 1413-417 |
717 | O-ring dia. 69,44 x 3,53 | 1 | 1331-073 |
721 | Cylinder screw M12 x 30 | 4 | 1413-386 |
722 | O-ring dia. 63,09 x 3.53 | 1 | 1331-071 |
725 | Banjo coupling | 1 | 1349-091 |
726 | Al gasket, dia, 24/13 x 1,5 | 1 | 2356-127 |
727 | Reducer G 3/4-G 3/8" | 1 | 2312-038 |
730 | Union nut G 1"-3/8" | 1 | 2469-070 |
732 | Al gasket, dia- 30/16 x 1,5 | 1 | 2356-137 |
Temperature/pressure transducers | |||
751 | Pressure transducer, suction gas (PT1) | 1 | 1373-249 |
752 | Pressure transducer, oil after filter (PT3) | 1 | 1373-271 |
753 | Pressure transducer, oil before filter (PT4) | 1 | 1373-271 |
755 | Coupfing 10-RL | 2 | 1349-137 |
756 | Elbow coupling 10-RL | 1 | 1349-154 |
761 | Temperature transmitter, compressor oil (TT6) | 1 | 1373-281 |
762 | Temperature transmitter, suction gas (TT7) | 1 | 1373-282 |
765 | Gasket ring - DKA R 1/4 | 2 | 1349-135 |
Spare parts survey for SAB 128 Mk3 unit |
The following list comprises all components that can be fitted |
on a compressor unit. |
From this list we have selected the components that are used |
on a particular unit and which are indicated on the piping |
diagram of this instruction manual. The position numbers on the |
piping diagram are a reference to the "Pos." columns of this list. |
The piping diagram is dedicated to the compressor number |
stated on page 1 of this instruction manual. |
The components in the shaded areas are variable. This may be |
due to voltage, refrigerant, approved pressure etc. |
On ordering spare parts it may be an advantage to receive them in |
sets selected for your specific compressor unit. |
A list of sets can had on request from SABROE's local |
representative. |
Regulating & Control delice | Pos. | Designation | Part no. |
PT1 | Pressure transducer -1-9 bar | 1373-249 | |
PT2 | Pressure transducer -1 - 25 bar | 1373-250 | |
PT3 | See PT2 | ||
PT4 | See PT2 | ||
TT5/6/7 | Temperature transducer PT100 | 1373-264 | |
GT8 | Position transmitter (capacity) | 3448-004 | |
GT9 | See GT8 | ||
UNISAB II Frontpanel | 1573-007 | ||
1 CPU-module | 1572-017 | ||
1 Relay print | 1574-014 | ||
1 EPROM extractor | 1613-002 | ||
1 EEPROM extractor | 1613-003 | ||
1 EEPROM | 1571-015 | ||
3 Jumpers | |||
2 Fuses | 1572-018 | ||
1 Screw driver | |||
Refrigerant system | Suction: | ||
20 | O-ring dia 132,94 x 3,53 | 1331-093 | |
Set of gaskets for SCV80 (R717) | 3184-078 | ||
Set of gaskets for SCV100 (R22) | 3184-079 | ||
24 | |||
34-35 | Set of gaskets for SNV 8 | 2453-053 | |
47-48 | |||
Oil separator, general: | |||
30 | Sealing ring dia. 42/49 x 6,5 | 1349-213 | |
30 | Heating rod, 250 V | 3181-038 | |
Heating rod. 115V | 3181-039 | ||
Heating rod, 230 | 3181-040 | ||
31 | O-ring dia 52.07 x 2.62 (sight glass) | 1331-140 | |
Sight glass | 1226-017 | ||
55 | O-ring dia 329,57 x 5,33 (for cover) | 1331-184 | |
Oil seperating element | 1517-062 | ||
Oil return: | |||
52 | Nozzle valve | 1364-151 | |
53 | Sight glass | 1226-014 | |
53 | Gasket dia. 40.5/33 x 1.5 | 2356-144 | |
Discharge: | |||
204 | Set of gaskets for SCV65 | 3184-078 | |
O-ring dia 78,97 x 3,53 | 1331-076 | ||
22 | Safety valves: | ||
28 | DN 25/40 | ||
Gasket, dia. 57/43 x 2 | 2356-260 | ||
Gasket, dia. 75/61 x 2 | 2356-220 | ||
O-ring dia. 61,60 x 2,62 (house) | 1331-143 | ||
Conical seal for DN 25/40 | 1365-077 | ||
Spring (for 25 Bar opening pressure) | 1365-046 | ||
28 | DN 40/65 | ||
Gasket, dia. 75/61 x 2 | 2356-220 | ||
Gasket, dia. 109/95 x 2 | 2356-222 | ||
O-ring dia. 91,94 x 3,53 | 1331-080 | ||
Conical seal for DN 43,65 | 1365-079 | ||
Spring (for 25 Bar opening pressure) | 1523-027 | ||
Oil system | Flange connection, oil tube | ||
Gasket, dia 57/43 x 2 | 2356-260 | ||
O-ring dia 59,92 x 3,53 (compr.) | 1331-071 | ||
Oil by-pass (at pump) | |||
210 | Gasket, dia 102/55 x 1,5 (non-return valve) | 2356-092 | |
O-ring dia 26.57 x 3,53 (non-return valve) | 1331-023 | ||
69 | Pressure build up for capacity reg. | ||
Non-return valve 18, 1 bar | 1364-004 | ||
Non-return valve 10, 02 bar | 1364-008 | ||
Oil pump | |||
63 | Shaft seal complete | 1332-192 | |
63 | O-ring dia 44,12 x 2,62 (cover for pump) | 1331-146 | |
64-65 | Set of gaskets for SVA 15 | 2453-022 | |
60-62 | Set of gaskets for SVA 32 | ||
61 | Filter element 150 | 2464-233 | |
61 | O-ring dia 44,04 x 3,53 | 1331-022 | |
61 | O-ring dia 36,09 x 3,53 | 1331-018 | |
61 | O-ring dia 13.94 x 2,62 | 1331-014 | |
Capacity regulation | 46 | Thermostatic three-way valve, type RT3 | |
O-ring, Neoprene | 1331-383 | ||
Thermo element, 48°C | 1365-005 | ||
70 | Solenoid valve block | ||
Valve housing EVM (NC) | 1372-335 | ||
Gasket set for EVM (NC/NO) | 1336-024 | ||
Coil 10W 220V 50/60 Hz | 1372-330 | ||
110V 50/60 Hz | 1372-331 | ||
250V 50/60 Hz | 1372-334 | ||
71 | Solenoid valve: | ||
Valve housing EVM (NO) | 1372-425 | ||
Gasket set for EVM | 1336-024 | ||
Throttle valve | |||
72 | Gasket set 6F | 1377-210 | |
73 | Solenoid valve: | ||
See pos. 70 | |||
74 | Solenoid valve: | ||
BLI Oil cooling | 80-84 | Gasket set for SVA 15-20 | 2453-022 |
81 | Filter FA15: | ||
(When TEAT 20 is selected) | |||
Gasket set for FA15 | 1377-078 | ||
Repair kit for FA15 | 1377-250 | ||
81 | Filter FA20: | ||
(When TEAT 85 is selected) | |||
Gasket set for FA20 | 1377-079 | ||
Repair kit for FA20 | 1377-251 | ||
82 | Solenoid valve EVRA15 | ||
(when TEAT 20 is selected) | |||
Gasket set (for EVRA15) | 1377-093 | ||
Repair kit (for EVRA15) | 1377-099 | ||
Coil 10W 220V 50/60 Hz | |||
110V 50/60 Hz See pos 70 | |||
250 V 50/60 Hz | |||
82 | Solenoid valve EVRA20 | ||
(when TEAT 85 is selected) | |||
Gasket set (for EVRA 20) | 1377-094 | ||
Repair kit (for EVRA20) | 1377-069 | ||
Coil 10W 220V 50/60 Hz | |||
110V 50/60 Hz See pos 70 | |||
250 V 50/60 Hz | |||
83 | Injection valve TEAT 82 | ||
Nozzle insert 20-5 | 1371-202 | ||
Nozzle insert 20-8 | 1371-203 | ||
Nozzle insert 20-12 | 1371-204 | ||
Nozzle insert 21-20 | 1371-206 | ||
Thermal part 351B5 deg.C | 1371-255 | ||
Thermal part 55-95 deg.C | 1371-253 | ||
83 | Injection valve TEAT 85 | ||
Nozzle insert 85-33 | 1371-207 | ||
Nozzle insert 85-55 | 1371-208 | ||
Nozzle insert 85-85 | 1371-209 | ||
Thermal part 35-65 deg. C | 1371-257 | ||
Thermal part 55-95 deg.C | 1371-250 | ||
Compr.con- nections | Spare parts set for coupling S952 size 225 | ||
Sheets, bolts, nuts & slices | 1524-124 | ||
Spacer bushing | 1526-002 | ||
Stop screw M10 x 10 | 1413-250 | ||
Combination wrench 1/2" | Compr. | ||
Box wrench 1/2" | Tools | ||
Alignment motor - compressor | |||
Discs (motor up to IEC 280) | 2221-067 | ||
Discs (motor from IEC 315) | 2221-076 | ||
Tools | 3183-104 | ||
Line no A401 = Normal set (part no. 3083-044) | |||
Line no. A402 = Extended set (part no. 3083-046) | |||
Line no. B401 = Tools for coupling alignment (part no 3183-104) | |||
Line no. B40 = Tools for shaft seal removal, oil pump (part no 3083-160) |
Tool no. | Designation | Part no. | A401 | A402 | B401 | B402 |
1 | Puller for bearings | 3083-060 | 1 | 1 | ||
2 | Thrust ring for the puller, female | 3083-043 | 1 | 1 | ||
3 | Thrust ring for the puller, male | 3083-127 | 1 | 1 | ||
4 | Tool for fitting the bearings | 3083-062 | 1 | 1 | ||
5 | Ring for the puller | 3083-042 | 1 | 1 | ||
6 | Tool for pressing out the rotors | 3083-063 | 1 | 1 | ||
7 | Tool for fitting the bearings | 3083-061 | 1 | 1 | ||
8.1 | Retaining cup for male rotor | 3083-097 | 1 | 1 | ||
8.2 | Retaining cup for female rotor | 3083-098 | 1 | 1 | ||
9 | Tool for dismounting the bearings | 3083-041 | 2 | 2 | ||
10 | Thrust washer | 3083-002 | 1 | 1 | ||
11 | Locking tool for rotor | 3083-126 | 1 | 1 | ||
20.1 | Threaded pin M10 x 160 | 2112-129 | 4 | 4 | ||
20.2 | Threaded pin M12 x 275 | 2112-148 | 1 | 1 | ||
21.1 | Hexagon head screw M16 x 130 | 1424-271 | 1 | 1 | ||
21.2 | Hexagon head screw M10 x 130 | 1424-203 | 4 | 4 | ||
22.2 | Socket cap screw M8 x 35 | 1413-359 | 1 | 1 | ||
22.3 | Socket cap screw M8 x 120 | 1413-314 | 2 | 2 | ||
22.4 | Socket cap screw M10 x 25 | 1413-371 | 4 | 4 | ||
22.6 | Socket cap screw M12 x 35 | 1413-387 | 1 | 1 | ||
22.7 | Socket cap screw M12 x 90 | 1413-400 | 1 | 1 | ||
23.1 | Nuts M8 Nuts M12 | 1432-063 | 2 | 2 | ||
23.2 | Nuts M10 | 1432-064 | 4 | 4 | ||
23.3 | Nuts M12 | 1432-065 | 1 | 1 | ||
24.1 | Washer dia. 24/13 x 2.5 | 1436-036 | 1 | 1 | ||
24.2 | Washer dia. 35/13 x 5 | 1436-140 | 3 | 3 | ||
25 | Guide pin M16 x 300 | 2112-147 | 2 | 2 | ||
30 | Tool for adjusting the bearings | 3083-096 | 1 | 1 | ||
31 | Special screw for adjusting the bearings | 3083-095 | 1 | 1 | ||
32.1 | Eye bolt M12 | 1427-150 | 1 | 1 | ||
32.2 | Eye bolt M16 | 1427-156 | 1 | 1 | ||
33 | Alignment device for coupling | 3183-104 | 1 | |||
34 | Feeler gauge | 1622-050 | 1 | |||
36 | Tools for shaft seal removal, oil pump Consist of: | |||||
36.1 | Pullef for shaft seal, oil pump | 3083-157 | 1 | |||
36.2 | Cap screw M10 x 75 | 1424-201 | 1 | |||
36.3 | Threaded pin M8 x 150 | 3083-156 | 3 | |||
36.4 | Nut M8 | 1432-063 | 3 | |||
36.5 | Punch dia. 18 x 60 | 3063-158 | 1 | |||
36.6 | Punch dia. 22/16,5 x 100 | 3083-159 | 1 | |||
40.1 | Torque wrench(Ratchet) 5 - 50 Nm 1/2" | 1 | ||||
40.2 | Torque wrench 40-200 Nm (14 x 18) | 1 | ||||
42 | Extension 1/2" | 1 | ||||
43 | Converter for torque wench(14x18) - 1/2" | 1 | ||||
44.1 | Hexagon bit adapter 1/2" - 4mm | 1 | ||||
44.2 | Hexagon bil adapter 1/2" - 5mm | 1 | ||||
44.3 | Hexagon bit adapter 1/2"- 6mm | 1 | ||||
44.4 | Hexagon bit adapter 1/2" - 8mm | 1 | ||||
44,5 | Hexagon bit adapter 1/2" - 10mm | 1 | ||||
44.6 | Hexagon bit adapter 1/2" - 14mm | 1 | ||||
45 | Box spanner insert 1/2" - 19mm | 1 | ||||
45.1 | Box spanner insert 1/2" - 24mm | 1 | ||||
45.2 | Box spanner insert 1/2" - 27mm | 1 | ||||
45.3 | Box spanner insert 1/2" -36mm | 1 | ||||
45.4 | Box spanner insert 1/2" -1/2" | 1 | ||||
46 | Open end spanner (14x18) - 19mm | 1 | ||||
50.1 | Combination spanner 17mm | 1613-276 | 1 | |||
50.2 | Combination spanrer 19mm | 1612-277 | 1 | |||
50.3 | Conbination spanner 1/2" | |||||
51.1 | Allen key for socket cap screw 3mm | 1512-395 | 1 | |||
51.2 | Allen key for socket cap screw 5mm | 1612-397 | 1 | |||
51.3 | Allen key for socket cap screw 6mm | 1612-398 | 1 | |||
51.4 | Allen key for socket cap screw 8mm | 1612-399 | 1 | |||
51.5 | Allen key for socket cap screw 10mm | 1612-401 | 1 | |||
51.6 | Allen key for socket cap screw 14mm | 1612-400 | 1 | |||
52 | Magnetic Fixture for dial indicator | 1 | ||||
53 | Dial indicator | 1 | ||||
54.1 | Retaining ring pliers | 1 | ||||
54,2 | Retaining ring pliers | 1 | ||||
55.1 | Hammer | 1612-012 | 1 | |||
55.2 | Plastic hammer | 1612-042 | .1 | |||
56 | Steel punch 8 mm | 1 | ||||
57 | Pliers for driving pin | 1612-190 | 1 |